Who are we? (con.)

We are a diverse, multicultural, multigenerational, heterogeneous society and have been for years. Although, there have been those who have denied, rebuked, legislated, and forced the separation of races and cultures in the U.S. from the beginning of this Nation to even now. After the Loving vs. Virginia case in 1967, The rate of interracial, multicultural newlyweds in our country, as calculated from the last 2010 census has grown from 3% to 17%. It has probably grown even more sense then. We will know more after this year's Census analysis. But, I guarantee it has grown.

Intermarriages in the United States  

1967–5%    2015–17% 

1967–5%         2015–17% 

What is Blended in America?

Our mission is 2 fold:

  1. To offer shared experiences and advice to a large and growing, yet ignored segment of our society, and
  2. Educate all Americans with the truth and pragmatism of our shared society.

We hope to create a visually stunning, socially provocative, mentally stimulating, and spiritually healing e-magazine for all Americans, specifically focused on multiracial, multicultural, multi-generational America.

A vital and crucial step for our country to remind all Americans and especially elected politicians who we are.

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Finally, we have a magazine that explores the depths of this nation. The how, whys, and what now questions, that before now were only asked and discussed in small hushed groups, if answered at all. A magazine that will probe the issues of multiracial, multicultural couples and families as we strive to navigate the treacherous waters of social fear and hate. Our problems. Our fears. Our attitudes. Our joys. Our triumphs. Our setbacks. Our pain. A place of answers. A place of refuge. A place of solace in a society rifted with fear and Nationalism. This is the time, this is the place. The future of our Nation is now. It is time for
Blended in America (BIA).

By the Numbers

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